Saturday, May 26, 2012


Busy weekend.

Mass this AM. Ran some errands, swept out the garage. (Garage door opener went belly up on the 3rd garage this week.) Met w/the handyman to pick out new opener and will have it installed sometime soon. Also, having the florescent light replaced w/a plain light bulb so I can see in that garage area. Tired of tripping my way through the garage.

This has been a wonderful week. There was a nice reception for all of the Seminarians Thursday evening. Vespers, introductions, with light meal, drinks, and visiting. Setting up a reception this afternoon for our newly ordained priest. Father David Voss will celebrate his first Mass at St. Patrick Church at 3:00pm tomorrow. Baking a cake this evening to take to tomorrow's reception. Will open rooms tomorrow for Priest/Seminarians to vest prior to procession to Mass and then serve at the reception following the Mass. 

Humidity is high. Not pleasant to be out of doors. Glad I did all my errands this AM. Thought I might share a little lavender and ornamental grass (w/an arm shadow in the lower right corner.)

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Done, Done, Done

Front/back deck posts, back deck flooring, and daylight window covers done...very nicely done. The "boys" can finally walk out on the back deck. It has been a stressful 2 days of "outing" the "boys" on harness/collars to get their business done. More sniffing/marking than business. They are now as Martin Luther King said "Free, free at last"---then add to poop and roam their domain.

Window sashes are the last project----now just waiting insurance approval for the window staining. Am pleased we are getting to the end of repairs and can get back to "normal."

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On the Move

Had planned to drive to Haven, KS this AM to have the new tires put on my car but...

Got a call from the carpenter/painter last night saying they would be here early tomorrow to power wash and prepare for staining/painting  the deck. Got up early---5:00am to begin moving everything off the decks into the garage. Lots of barking from the dogs---in fact too much barking!!! Don't know whether they are coaching me on or upset w/the deck(s) being bare. Please someone research and see if there is a doggie all summer camp--or better yet a Ma summer camp (and I am not talking about a nursing home).  The "boys" have no idea what a thin line they are treading on today.  We will be very close and confined today----not nice.

Pics show a real bare deck, no birds, lights etc. (Kat---just how you like it.)

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Ma

Monday, May 7, 2012

Memories and Projects

Mass this AM, stopped by the store, and finished the errands w/a trip by Echo Hills. Echo Hills has closed for business and having a sale. Talked w/Tom last week and asked if he still had Pop's hat hanging up on a hook in the shop. Tom told me the hat had been on the hook since Pop put it there on his last day at the course. So 3+ years later; the hat has returned home. Oh, run away Ray! How nice to have a part of you back home. Taylor had a request for the 17th hole flag, also picked it up along w/the 17th hole plaque compliments of Bert. Nice.

Busy week:  "Boys" currently at the groomers, volunteering at Church, meeting w/tile person(s), lunch/learn meeting,  new tires on car, possibly an outdoor concert, and McKinley's Baptism on Saturday evening. Still working on the ongoing yard/flowers stuff. Found some more buried rocks (no names, just nice rocks) in the flower garden. Plan to unearth them and place them about the garden.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, May 4, 2012

More flowers--everyone needs more flowers

 Thunder, lightning, and rain during the night makes for great AM pics. Got up at 3:00am to turn my water sprinkler system off. It was going to cycle on at 4am and again at 6am. Nothing better than rain water on the plants.

Mass this AM was offered for the special intentions of our family. Ran an errand and home for a visit w/Becky and McKinley. Nice.

Featuring the AM pics: pots of Verbena, Nasturtium, and trellis Jackmanii Clematis.

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Say Eye

Mass this AM. Then off to eye MD for post op laser eye appt. Eye appt went well--no further appts w/surgeon until cataract removal. Will now follow up w/regular eye MD every 2 months for pressure checks.

Still spreading out the mulch/filling up some low spots w/top soil.--(bought a few more plants today). Am anxious to do more digging in the dirt. The "boys" are right beside me digging up a storm---I put the plants in; they rough up the soil around them. Call us the Dig Team.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom