Wonderful sunny, crisp morning--very light breeze, 39 degrees with hopes of reaching 67 before the day is over. Went to Mass yesterday evening, so slept in til 6:20am, picked up a newspaper, and trying to train the "boys" to let me sit alone in a chair to read. Four in a chair is not enjoyable and I am almost crippled when I get up from sitting in a contorted position to a allow them to comfortably stretch out. I kept them at bay--even carried them to their usual resting places--they finally gave up (won out)--went on their own to their napping places and now I am sitting on the bench in the kitchen blogging, haven't read the paper yet, but enjoying coffee, and sitting alone.
Plan to work in the yard today---really can't be classed as work since I enjoy it so much. Still moving dirt and rocks. Might even paint a trellis or two. Hope your day is peaceful, stay healthy, be safe and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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