Monday, January 31, 2011


Sleet this AM and expecting the rest of the week to be in the minus degrees. Mass this AM, then home to sit in front of the fireplace, read, visit w/family, dote on the pup posse.

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Late Blogging

Another day into feeling better, more motion and mobile. Things are going well so thankful for having family ----great encouragement--thanks! Mass this AM, a few errands, then home to read and chill (although the temp was up to 72 degrees).

Plan to take the rest of weekend off from blogging to do some more chilling. Getting good at chilling, reading, and visiting w/family.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sunshine Day

Temp is 68.9, sunny all day, no breeze. Spent a lot of the day on the go---Mass this AM, boys to groomer, walked over to visit w/neighbor. No nap today. Stitches out 4 days. It just gets better each day.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great Day

Mass this AM, then read, listened to IPOD, watched DVR shows in front of fireplace, even worked in a nap. That is what I call a great day considering where I was last week at this time. Limbering up for more activites tomorrow ---- 69 degrees in the forecast.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Better, better, better

Truly feeling better. Sitting by the fireplace, watching some DVR recordings, and visiting w/family. Hope to stay up longer today and feel I can. Each day is better. Six days down/Eight to go before stitches removed... will feel even better after stitches removed.

Sun shining, warming up this week. Plan to get out, walk the court before the week is over---then off and around the block. The "boys" are loving having company. Do not know what I would do w/o dog helpers--thanks Keith, Becky, Kevin, Vicki, Terry. (Had to give credit to Vicki for supplying their apple treats.)

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Better than expected

Better each day. Day 5 w/9 to go to get out of the "rough" phase. My days are spent sitting, eating, listening to my IPOD, and chillin'.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, January 24, 2011


Don't know what I would do w/o Terry. Truly an angel.  Getting around well. Stitches out on 02/02. MD said the first 2 weeks would be rough. Taking no pain medicine except for  2 Tylenol before bedtime. Counting off the days--8 more to go. My days are composed of  sitting, standing, napping, listening to my IPOD, visiting w/Terry and chillin. "Boys" are a mess---in constant watch over their food source (Moi and Terry).

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, January 23, 2011

She's back

Ooooh, Ahhhh, ouch----Nuf said. Just wanted you to know "she's back."

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Ma

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Busy Day and Keeping it Real

Busy day today, 13 degrees, in fact think I will take a few days off from blogging to enjoy family time.

Stay  warm, healthy, safe, keep in touch and don't lift any heavy objects.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Still cold, snow expected

Back from Mass, volunteering at rectory, picked up new license auto tag, and planning on running some errands to beat the forecasted snow.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Still Chilly

Off to Mass, run some errands, then home to catch up on some house work, read, eat, snuggle w/the "boys" and visit w/family by the fireplace. Just so you know these are things you do inside when it is 27 degrees outside.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Off to Mass this AM; then home to read, visit w/family, snug w/the "boys", relax, and stay warm by the fireplace----luvin' that fireplace--totally maintenance free.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chilly and Bright

Still chilly, 24 degrees, no wind, snow and ice still cover the ground w/patches still on the streets. Back yard looks like a snow paradise. Slept in this AM (6:45am), Mass, then home to get a few things done before the weekend. Plan reading by the fireplace this evening. That's it for here.

Matt is graduating from Navy boot camp in IL today. Then, he is off to FL. Poor guy---what a terrible assignment this time of the ---FL.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Six degrees, still dark, no breeze, snow and ice still on the ground. Off to Mass, PT this AM, run a few errands, and then home to hang out w/the "boys", read, and relax in front of the fireplace. Nice.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Snow---lots of snow. Impressed that the TX daughter drives like a pro in it---just can't take the KS out of a kid. Six degrees, no snow today but colder than all get out.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time Off

Taking some blog time off to enjoy out of town family member. More later, Bye Bye.

Love, Mom

Friday, January 7, 2011


Beginning, doing, completing----motto for today. Just to stay focused on tasks---Yeah right!  Plan Mass this AM, early lunch w/"old" Mt Carmel school mates, then home to get "stuff" done prior to weekend. Other than that nuttin' much going on. (Meant to tell you the visit/lunch w/Aunt Joan on Wednesday was nice, she is doing well and looks great).

Get your day done---just keep healthy, safe, and stay in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Busy Day

Projects in the works. Supposed to be 60+ degrees today----Sunny---no wind---yet. Yea!!!! Went to 6:30am Mass and ready to get some stuff done. Do plan to get some reading time in and of course TV/fireplace w/the "boys" this evening. A day w/or w/o direction is my motto for today. Kind of a discombobulated day----that would be me.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


OTD and DTR. Mass, MD appt, lunch/visit w/Aunt Joan and then back to spend time w/the pup posse. That's it.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch,
Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Just getting stuff done today. Back from Mass and volunteering at the rectory and now back to doing more stuff. Planning a pretty much full of stuff day. Know I have used this pic before---just wanted to show you how happy the "boys" are to be part of my stuff.

Hope you stay health, safe and in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, January 3, 2011

Heat Wave

Twenty-five degrees, dry, no breeze, sun not up yet--we are. Busy day planned. Off to Mass,  take Spencer to vet this AM for well "boy" check up, run some errands, then home to finish the paint clean up.

That's my day---please keep yours healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nice Indoor Day

Mass this AM, then home to stay in and stay warm. Ten degrees, still dark, no breeze, no moisture----just chilly. Anyone coming to KS best bring warm clothes---real warm clothes.

Have to share one of yesterday's Mass readings: "The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! (Reading from the Book of Numbers.) 

Have a great day, staying warm, healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chillin' inside and out

Thirteen degrees, no wind, sun coming up...Heading off to 9:00am Mass, then home to fix some soup and hang out/snuggle w/the pup posse by the fireplace reading or TV---hmm maybe even a little nap. Making a list of little fix it items for my carpenter then should have the winter projects completed...maybe.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Ma