Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Say Eye

Mass this AM. Then off to eye MD for post op laser eye appt. Eye appt went well--no further appts w/surgeon until cataract removal. Will now follow up w/regular eye MD every 2 months for pressure checks.

Still spreading out the mulch/filling up some low spots w/top soil.--(bought a few more plants today). Am anxious to do more digging in the dirt. The "boys" are right beside me digging up a storm---I put the plants in; they rough up the soil around them. Call us the Dig Team.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom


Kat said...

new plant details?
what, where?

we already know why . . . because you CAN!

Just Ma said...

Just some pretty annuals...and you are right--I CAN!