Monday, June 4, 2012

Chain Saws, pruners...

Tired of mowing around the hanging limbs/branches on the East side River Birch. Began trimming w/hand pruner---then brought out the "big gun"---my pole chain saw, to get to the higher limbs. Dragged some of the limbs to driveway, others to the backyard---cut most up to handle/throw over the back fence. Did the back field "Olympic Pitch." Will drag them back to my bird/animal blind when it cools down (95 degrees today) so I can wear long sleeves/long pants/socks/boots and avoid being tick bait. This was a 2 shower day (real humid).

Busy week---Daily Mass, lots of volunteering, errands, mowing, weeding, pruning the clematis aound Pop's plaque on the arbor... Mass offered at St. Patrick Church,  8:00am on Wednesday for the special intentions of our family. Nice.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch. Lots of birthdays this month/summer---nice.

Love, Mom

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