Monday, August 6, 2012

Sonny Days

Mass this AM. Volunteer project for school. Windows open, "cool" at 81 degrees. Has been cloudy/windy for the last week. The sky was so clear this morning (5:20am), plastered w/stars/planets---you name it. Just magical. Makes one want to lie down on the deck and just gaze away.

Volunteering most of the week at rectory/school--getting ready  for enrollment. Mass Thursday, 08/09/2012, 8:00am,  at St. Pat's for the special intentions of our famliy. Lunch w/friend on Friday, possibly a movie,  musical theater on Saturday w/lots of weeding, edging, and mowing throughout the week.

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Kat said...

You'll have to stargaze this weekend. Perseid meteor shower peaks early Sunday morning. Seems appropriate celebration.