Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We Want More---We Want More...

Phia's Message

Had to share this w/everyone. Am glad Phia left this message on the covered deck as well as on the basement floor. This is what makes me feel good inside. It was such a wonderful visit, nice to have the laughing, happiness in this house. We want more---we want more!!! It is so quiet----will probably offer another contest this summer--w/free room, board, and dogs to go around to all the guests. Will have to work up a theme and challenging contest.

Mass this AM. Rainy, cloudy day--no wind---nice. Worked all day out in the yard yesterday, planting flowers, weeding, removing some more of the Jasmine vines (should have them done by the end of the week.)

Keep safe, happy, healthy, and in touch. (All motorcycles riders stay safe on Sunday).

Love, Ma

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