Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lantanas and Butterflies

The Monarchs are showing up and luving the Lantana plants.  They are flitting all over the backyard. Also, as a bonus have a little green hummingbird joining the dance. They luv the morning glories and Lantanas. Note to self ---make sure there are plenty of all of these plants to enjoy next year. The colors are great, require no care, and the little creatures luv them.

Temp is cooler, misting rain, very slight breeze...Nice.

Daily Mass, volunteering at St. Pat's rectory and school this week. Doing lots of  reading, still going to PT, will see knee MD on Monday for release from care, movie w/friend on Tuesday, eye MD  Wed. for vision field testing, return the 30 day heart monitor on Thursday----then plan to break into a line or two of the Hallelujah Chorus w/a big AMEN!!!!.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Unknown said...,d.eWU