Sunday, March 2, 2014

Snowy Days

So anyone have enough snow this winter?

Worked out in the yard all last week getting the ornamental (low maintenance?!) cut back. Has to be done before it begins to green up to prevent cutting off the emerging plume heads. Kind of puts you on a time clock. Knew more snow was on its way so had no choice but to do it in 20-30 degree weather. WOW---how invigorating! But it is done, carted the cut grass off to my "bird blind" and stacked it up in the back field. It will all amend into the soil and has a nice appearance as I look out the window through the snowfall today. Taylor came by to help w/leaf mulching  and grass carting.
It was 24 degrees in the sleeting/wet weather but it is done. We had a great team going. Thanks T.

There are a couple of the "family" members who are not at all  touched by the cold/wet weather. How nice?

Went to Mass and attended a wine tasting event  last night . Plan to get the fireplace going, read, play W/F, and watch some recorder shows today.

Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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