Friday, August 22, 2014

Butterflies, Moles, Digs...

Surprise!!! Another butterfly---this one is a real beauty. Stayed around to let me get several pics. Must have heard I ordered some butterfly favorite plants. Received 4 plants (milkweed for the Monarchs) from FL today. The lantanas are such a hit w/these little creatures. Hope they continue to hang around. Will acclimate the plants before setting them out in the 100+ weather.

Finished my school volunteering today. All of the enrollment items have been completed. Will continue to volunteer at the rectory.

Had my "mole guy" out this week. He set traps and caught the little stinker that was tearing up my front yard. This is the 3rd one this summer. I sure miss Buster and Rowdy---they were my mole patrol. Spencer and Hans do not have a clue. I would have to catch one, put it on the grill, and feed it to them to get them interested in moles.

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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