Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flowers and "Boys"

Today's morning flower pics.
The "boys" wanted me to show you how "cool" they look. Really good timing on the grooming---it has been in the 100's all week. They are really great company (know I keep repeating that---kind of like a mantra) but as said before they are really clingy, always seem under foot, on my lap, in my bed, in my arms--oops, slipped on that one---would have had to pick them up for that to happen. Am thankful they are small and great company---obviously this will require more adaptation on my part.
Washed the car today (at the car wash, of course)---Pop probably sat with God and had a good laugh on that one. Oh, the things one has to learn to do and the things we appreciate after the fact.
Keep safe, keep healthy, keep in touch,
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Kat said...

Yipee! More beautiful Kale photos! Keep 'em coming.

Next time I'm in Wichita I'll show you how to wash a car a'la Pop. He gave me multiple lessons when I bought my 66 Beetle. After all the washes, buffing compound and paste wax applications, that little car was gleaming by summer's end.

Thanks Pop.