Saturday, June 27, 2009

Good News--Sad News

Worked in the flowers this AM---camera close by of course. Took only 24 shots (thanks to Linda/Keith for the memory card idea/procurement and of course to all of the kids who got the camera for me years ago). So you know what is coming this week---yep--lots of flower pics. (double click to enlarge).

The good news is the smoke bush (on the top) is taking off wonderfully this year---look at all that great new growth. The sad news is the snail (on the bottom) on the ajuga was caught in the act, posed for the pic, and died immediately following its pictoral debut. Am having to catch them in the act and destroy them by hand or foot. Spencer has found the snail bait (iron phosphate granules) quite delicious, ate it as fast as I put it down. It is not lethal to pets but is also not lethal to snails if it is contained in black (from the iron) dog feces.

Having said that will not go on a dog tangent this AM--the sun is shining, still nice out, not too warm, and looks like a great day ahead. Looking forward to staying cool and going to Camelot matinee this afternoon.

As always---you are all close to my heart, keep safe, stay healthy, keep in touch, and enjoy your week end.


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