Monday, October 12, 2009

Just here

Fall has definitely hit the plains. The trees are glorious, like a fashion show of colors, hope they keep their leaves until the colors fade away. Chilly wet morning here. Usual day, Mass, volunteered at the rectory, doing laundry, planning a short trip out in search of the perfect dog food for the 2 finicky eaters and be back in time to meet the Pella man for the annual window adjustments.

Quiet week ahead--Volunteering at Lord's Diner on Thursday and playing the rest of the week---taking it as it comes.

Keep healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom


Vicki said...

Those cute little boys would like some Chocolate Birthday Cake and Vanilla ice cream. I will come eat with them.
Love Kylie

Just Ma said...

Kylie----you are a little stinker--GMJ is onto your game---you are talking to the greatest chocolate/ice cream person in town.