Raining/thunder and I'm not talking hockey. Had some real impressive thunder and lightning early this AM so decided to go to Mass, paint some more in the Chapel and blog later when things quieted down. (Ceiling/walls in Chapel are now painted, will touch up tomorrow and begin cleanup so carpets can be shampooed/pews/lighting put back into place and tile entryway installed.)
Plan to shower and get back out in the rain to grocery shop. Have a cookie recipe I want to try and am short on supplies and staples. Hope your weather is calm, you remain healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
what kind of cookie?
Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk cookie---just saying it makes me salivate. The recipe only makes 2 1/2 dozen---figure if I leave now--I can get them made and finish the last one before Survivor is over tonight.
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