Back from Mass, ate a piece of pumpkin pie slathered in Cool Whip, had a cup of coffee, walked out on the back deck and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a doe and a buck in the back field. Note the reclining doe on the right and the rack on the buck standing to her left is barely visible as it blends in with the limbs on the trees. Would love to have a tranquilizer gun to zap the dogs so they would not scare the deer away. Have I told you I love living here--even with the dogs?
Volunteering at the Lord's Diner today and need to be on my way. May your day be good, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. PS--all of you who attend Thanksgiving here will be eligible for the dog drawing---and I am not talking about crayons and paper---you will be able to take a dog home with you. Is that exciting?---- In fact there will be 3 drawings and 3 dogs given away.
I feel like I'm playing "Where's Waldo." Could you put a striped stocking hat on that buck to make him easier to see?
And, congratulations! I had a secret contest going yesterday--the first person to leave a voice mail for me would win--HARRY! He's been diapered, sedated and bubble wrapped. FedEx will be at your door tomorrow morning before 10:30, should be just about the time the sedation is wearing off.
Bring it on---or send him express--know how he travels and not interested in cleaning up the shipping box.
Re-read the message--if it is a secret contest--let's keep it that way. Pretend Vicki left the message, shake the shards of glass off Harry and send him to her.
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