Thinking of setting up something with Jake or Taylor to show me how to use their leaf mulcher--kind of a 101 leaf mulching or better yet leaf mulching for dummies session. Have lots of big leaves on the perimeters and close to the house that need mulching---just want to do it right. Mowed yesterday afternoon to mulch all the leaves in the yard.
Have all laundry done, house swept, dusted and plan to spend most of the weekend outside. Should be in the low 70's this weekend!!!! Spencer is still favoring that "wrist." Holding his medication this AM until I visit with the Vet.
Just think about staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom
About a pound of cheese should heal that wrist--think of all that calcium!
And maybe mix it up a little--Spencer seems like a brie or camembert kind of guy.
He hasn't had any RX or cheese this AM and is not limping. Go figure----Will give him one more day off the RX.
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