Told ya there would be more Hosta's--even threw in some lily foliage, ajuga, perennial MN geranium, sedum, leaves, and a few daffodil...A little windy yesterday but warm and always great to get out with those plants. Weeded, dug up a shrub(s), one was spent/woody, the other did not survive the winter and will be replaced next week. Uncovered the winter bedding on some plants. Most of the plants in the shade garden are looking better and coming up nicely.
(Double clicked---made note to self--- water today.) Doing more evening reading and working on a perfect spot to do more outdoor morning reading. Will e-mail pic of the spot to family.
Off to Mass this AM, plan to visit w/a friend until mid afternoon, then putz and play w/the pup posse. Putzing and pups are my thing today.
Lots of birthdays in our family this month, past and to come. Please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers.
You know the plea from me----please stay healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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