Shhhhhh---don't tell anybody but it is not raining today--yet. Of course it is still a little dark outside. Worked out in the yard (in the drizzling rain) yesterday afternoon/evening--trimming shrubs, thinning out some succulents, weeding...Another certifiable event in my life. Can you have cabin fever in the Spring/Summer? Planning on finishing my path on the East side of the house. Will go to Augusta and pick up more rocks to line the pathway.
(Pic: this was the ivy I had all winter on my kitchen window sill--It is loving its new home out of doors.)
Off to Mass this AM, then to breakfast at the school for an 8th grade fund raiser. Think they are having biscuits, gravy, sausage pattie, and hash browns. This is beyond a doubt the best group of kids---will sacrifice and keep the Tums handy to support them. Will spend the rest of the day at home w/the pup posse.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. (Someone in our family has a BD today---guess who?) The winner gets free room and board at Ma's if they answer correctly---hurry--the guest room(s) are ready.
Love, Mom
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