Sat: Mass and yard work in AM. Music theater in afternoon. Music theater was like a Mel Brooks mystery/musical---really enjoyable. Dinner out w/friend.
Sun: Mass, read, watered flowers, ice cream w/Keith and Becky.
Today: Off to Mass in AM (offered for Pop), start PT for some hip and back exercises, take boys to groomer at noon, might work on wallpaper removal (almost completed), plan a visit to Ascension to sing HB and Pop's favorite rendition of "Have I Told You Lately that I Love You (will miss the "look" and being smacked w/the newspaper while singing), then dinner w/Keith this evening. Will help finish up w/paperwork from school enrollment throughout the week.
Wanted to share an excerpt from one of yesterday's Mass readings: Hebrews 1-2: "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." Found that very profound.
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
beautiful picture!
wings look transparent.
love ya!
Thanks---cannot take credit for the pic.
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