Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prattle On

Cold temp-31 degrees w/gusting winds---Brrrr. Glad most of the out door chores are completed. Still have a few things to do but what the hey----I have several months of winter to get them completed because I have the time. Tree was cut down last week; stump should be ground this week. Got a wonderful note from Matt and am sending a care package to him. Please keep mail going to him. His letters are great.

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, finish sewing, play w/the "boys", and read in front of the fireplace later in the day. Stay healthy, safe, in touch and send good thoughts and prayers to family members who are having surgery this week.

Please go to this link and vote on LJ's dress. Look at the pics of the car. Almost like one Pop and I had--though ours was a 2-door but close to same color.

Love, Mom

Monday, November 29, 2010

On the Road Agenda

Today: Mass, appt., phone calls, errands, paper recycling, sewing...busy week ahead.

Week: Daily Mass, volunteering at rectory, attending a volunteer day retreat at SLC; will end following Mass and supper, last PT appt., Christmas play  at Cabaret in Old Town w/K and B, Spencer was invited to Pet Smart for Santa pics and meet up w/his old foster parents, Ladies Day at Tree Top Nursery.

We have 2 family members having surgery this week. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and  speedy, uneventful recovery.  Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Just wanted to wish my dear ones a Happy Thanksgiving. Going on Non Blog mode until after the Holiday. Wanted you to all know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where is our Traveler?

Back from Mass, Chiro appt., and home to wait for road traveler coming in to spend the Holiday w/us. "Boys" are real excited---heard a couple of barks from the sprawling furry patches on the couch. Hopefullly, they'll   find it in themselves to kick it up a notch when our traveler arrives and do some more vigorous barking and moving.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, November 21, 2010


 Mass, Football (watching), visit w/neighbors, reading, snuggling w/"boys" has been the weekend activity. Very cautious to watch KC Chiefs play today--K-State, KS, NE all lost their games---Lots of good games on the tube today. Plan to fire up the logs and settle in for some more of the above.

Sunny, cool, no breeze, really pretty here this AM. Trees still have a few leaves left in them but there is a wonderful carpet of color on the ground. Looking forward to nice travel weather for the Holiday.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, November 19, 2010

Easy Does It

Mass, PT this AM,  laundry, sweep/dust, head to a movie this afternoon, eat out, and home to snuggle w/the "boys", reading/maybe view some DVR TV in front of the fireplace. Too cool to do too much in the yard today. Actually have most of winter prep completed. Now, I ask you--Easy does it--doesn't it? Mr T. is bringing over more mulched leaves today and may rope him into a movie and eats--We'll see.

Please stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nuttin' New

Same ole stuff---taking a Blog break for the day.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Walking and Talking

Another great sunny day. Back from Mass and volunteering at the rectory. Plan to trim spent foliage, spread more leaves, do some filing, run errands, and anchor the Oak leaf hydrangea to an upright position...or putz and spread these tasks out throughout the week.

Will definitely get my daily walk in sans the 3 "dogmingoes" or better know as the "pooping canine machines." Too much to take all of them along on the walk and too guilty to leave any of them out.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, November 15, 2010

Limbering Up and Putzing

Limbering up and getting ready for a great week.

Temperature 37 degrees, no wind, sky starting to lighten up----just looks like the start of a good day/week. Planning on daily Mass, some volunteering at the rectory/school, Chiro appt, tree removal, SLC class, PT later in the week, lots of yardwork, w/some reading/fireplace time thrown in. Then again, other than the scheduled stuff may just wing it and fly by the seat of my pants doing what I do so well ---PUTZING!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Have finally caught up on some sleep--sure it is the time change---hope my clock catches up w/the time change. Really enjoyed the Interior Decorating event---lots of fun ladies sharing their Holiday decorating/not decorating ideas. Bought a nice metal/tile topped reading table and will pick it up after the Holidays (they had a display set up on it.) 

Up early this AM and off to 6:30am Mass at Blessed Sacrament. Air so nice and crisp, 33 degrees, no breeze. Talked to one of my favorite MN people on the way home, picked up a newspaper, put on some soup, and plan to sit in front of fireplace (w/chair full of "boys") reading and watching the Chiefs whip up on the Broncos today. 

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Busy day planned--Off to a an interior shop this AM w/ BD friend for a "Tis the Season" presentation, featuring "7 tips to help you de-stress and actually enjoy the holidays." This is what she wanted to do so this is what we are doing. Thinking of bringing her back to the house afterwards, providing her w/a work outfit (jeans/flannel shirt/clogs) and showing her how to really de-stress by doing fall yardwork cleanup.  Plan to go to Mass this evening and later catch up on some reading by the fireplace.

Beautiful morning, cool (39 degrees), no wind, and everything still wet from the last two days of rain. The furnace actually came on this AM (set at 58 degrees). "Boys" raising their "voices" to tell me to come look at the deer in the back field.

Have a wonderful weekend, staying healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love,  Mom

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rocks, Leaves, and Fall

Rocks moved---Having another contest! If you can guess the number of rocks I moved from around the Silver Maple you will win free room/board at Ma's house and possibly a chance to help move those rocks  to another place as I threw them into the East pathway. Would have loaded them into the wagon but it is still full of top soil. Hmmmm, the contest winner should bring work clothes---looks like we might have a top soil spread also. Think about it---sitting by the fireplace, possibly playing cards, watching football, feeding the "boys" apples in the evenings after working your tail off all day in the yard.

Taylor brought more bags of mulched leaves yesterday. That guy ranks high on my "grand" son list. Hoping to get them spread before it starts raining.  Do not know if I have mentioned it this week but Fall is one of my favorite seasons.

Keep healthy, stay safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Tree Goes

A tree may grow in Brooklyn but one is coming down in KS. Got a bid yesterday on tree removal and it should be OOTG by next Mon/Tues. Plan to move all the stones and mark the sprinkler heads  around the base of the tree later this afternoon. Ironic, the guy who is removing it worked w/Grandpa Ashpole/Pop and went to school/wrestled w/Pop. To top it off--Keith now works w/his daughter. Small world we live in.

Off to class at SLC this AM, Mass and home to work in the yard and play w/the 3 "Dogmingos."

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More KS Fall Talk

More KS Fall in progress----the trees are phenomenal, every color you could imagine. Prairie Grasses also putting on quite a show. Planning on having someone remove the Silver Maple in the front yard. It has a split in the bark and also too prone to disease.

Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, and catching up on some outside tasks---even though it is windy (35 mph gusts)--Grrrrr to the wind.

Have a healthy, safe day, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Monday, November 8, 2010

Great Fall Weekend

Too windy to work in the yard. Baked, ate too much, reset all the clocks/watches, went to movie w/Ms Becky, fireplace in evening w/snuggling "boys." 

Mass this AM @ 6:30am, drove to Haven, KS for scheduled 8:00am car maintenance, back home for rest of the day. (even took a nap).

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pie, Bingo, Football, and Firelogs

Start of a good day. Thirty-one degrees, sunny, and no breeze. Mass at 7:00am, PT at 8:30am, and taking "boys" to groomer at 11:00am. I WILL HAVE 2+ WHOLE HOURS OF "MOM'S DAY OFF!!!!!! Planning on working in yard continuing winter prep, moving some plants, trimming, and spreading out mulched leaves on the pathway, moving some border rocks...

Planning on playing turkey bingo on Sunday afternoon at St Pat's, baking a pie on Saturday to take on Sunday, and making sure the Sunday football games are recorded before I leave to play Bingo. Have used the fireplace several evenings and am liking it---takes the chill off the air and so easy...

Stay healthy, safe, keep in touch and have a great weekend.

Love, Mom

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall for Me

Having a great Fall here. Lots of colors, changing every day---have I told you Fall is my favorite time of year?----Hmmm---think I have. Mass this AM, volunteered at the rectory, washed a load of clothes, planning on running an errand and back home to dig into this untidy house. Too windy and cool to work out of doors.

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, run a couple of errands, work in yard rest of day--spreading more mulching leaves, emptying/cleaning flower pots...

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch with one another.
Love, Mom

Monday, November 1, 2010


All Saints and All Souls Days (November 1st and 2nd) have such beautiful liturgical prayers for our saints and souls. Was reading this AM before Mass and wanted to share a quote from St. Ambrose: "We have loved them during life; let us not abandon them until we have conducted them by our prayers into the house of the Lord." 

Quiet weekend here. Planning on spending sometime w/Matt and T today,  having supper at Keith and Becky's this evening. Special BD this week, Matt leaves for the Navy on the 3rd, last Bridge class this week, "boys" go to groomer on Friday.

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom