Cold temp-31 degrees w/gusting winds---Brrrr. Glad most of the out door chores are completed. Still have a few things to do but what the hey----I have several months of winter to get them completed because I have the time. Tree was cut down last week; stump should be ground this week. Got a wonderful note from Matt and am sending a care package to him. Please keep mail going to him. His letters are great.
Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, finish sewing, play w/the "boys", and read in front of the fireplace later in the day. Stay healthy, safe, in touch and send good thoughts and prayers to family members who are having surgery this week.
Please go to this link and vote on LJ's dress. Look at the pics of the car. Almost like one Pop and I had--though ours was a 2-door but close to same color.
Love, Mom