Friday, December 24, 2010

Busy Day

 Mass this AM, more painting to do---makes one wonder how big is that bathroom anyway?...What goes on in the head (will have it done in a day or two) has not gone on in the body. Think I might be in slow gear w/all my other activities----Oh well, have said before---I have the time, am retired, and can get it done as time allows. Just have to make a mental note to self at bedtime that toilet is no longer in the bathroom (so I can paint the entire wall). Would be a long drop to squat if I walked in my sleep. I feel the urge to get more focused on the painting today so I can get things back in order. Would hate to tell people it took 2 years to paint the bathroom (2010 to 2011).

Have a great day, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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