Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Better, better, better

Truly feeling better. Sitting by the fireplace, watching some DVR recordings, and visiting w/family. Hope to stay up longer today and feel I can. Each day is better. Six days down/Eight to go before stitches removed... will feel even better after stitches removed.

Sun shining, warming up this week. Plan to get out, walk the court before the week is over---then off and around the block. The "boys" are loving having company. Do not know what I would do w/o dog helpers--thanks Keith, Becky, Kevin, Vicki, Terry. (Had to give credit to Vicki for supplying their apple treats.)

Stay healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom


Kat said...

keep counting them down!

Just Ma said...

Only the math is a problem---the healing is going as expected----GREAT!