Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More Stuff

Wallpaper done (looks wonderful),  lights should be installed today. Yea!!!---getting to the end of the "Winter To Do" list. (Thanks to family, great neighbors, and friends).

Better morning this AM---too early but better. You might say I am getting back in the driver's seat--I got up on the "right side" of the bed, the "boys" all got out of bed using the steps. Consider each day a new day w/Rowdy. Pop used to laugh and say "Rowdy is just Rowdy." With the thought in mind---Rowdy can be Rowdy but he will get off the bed using the stairs and not jump!!!!---maybe. Nineteen degrees, no wind, no snow, just cold.

Mass this AM, run some errands, and enjoy the rest of the day. Today's 8:00am Mass at St Patrick's Church is being offered for our family. Nice.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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