Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sun's out, Ma's Out

Adding another pic of some of my favorite Hockey fans. The contest is still open to name the fans and win free room and board at Ma's this summer. (Would include some favorite "girl" pics---but the ones I found make the "girls" appear to look "wigged" out. You know what I am talking about and you know who you are.)

Mass this AM. Went to a couple of lumber yards and got some more deck stain. Finding out the new neighbor's dog barks more than the three "boys"-----which is good. Just don't want them to stand out and be alone. Now they have good company. 

Plan an afternoon of putzing out in the yard--in the sun--7 more days until the putzing ends and the gardening begins----Yee Haw!!!!

Wanted all to know there will be a Mass offered for Ken at 8:00am at St. Pat's on Friday.  Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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