Friday, August 12, 2011

Spencer the con artist

(This is not a pic of Spencer---this is the vision I have after spending the last 2 days with him)

Mass this AM and took Spencer to vet (he has coughed the last 2 days,  a whooping, dry, type cough---thought he might have eaten something and irritated his throat---just wanted it checked out), we are covering all areas, reducing inflammation and also covering w/antibiotics. He DID NOT COUGH one time while we were at the Vet---although he coughed his little a_ _ off when we arrived at the Vet parking lot.  Treating myself to go to a movie this afternoon and an early supper. Take that Spencer!!!!-----you will miss me while I am gone. Do you suppose dogs pull these antics just to get attention? Love the little guys---they sometimes (most of the time) prove to be a lot of maintenance.

Weather is great, sunny.....great evenings to sit on the back deck. Things have "greened" up. Planning to mow tomorrow and spend the entire day out in the yard----Nice.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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