Thursday, November 17, 2011

Classes completed---all survived

Driver safety class went well. Breaking class down to four hours a day was great--w/one hour + of heating pad in the evening. Long periods of sitting is not my thing. Noticing the cooler weather is not serving my back muscles very well. Went to a noon/one hour back class presented by a Physical Medicine MD on Wed.---more sitting. Have made an appt. to see her for a maintenance back program plan (PT referral, do's and don't's, good back mechanics, etc.) 

Twenty-one degrees this AM. Went to Mass and volunteered at rectory until 12:30pm. Plan to pick up the house, read, and sit by the fireplace this evening w/the heating pad and the 3 Dogmingos.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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