Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Sunshine, slight breeze...nice.

Trashmen carted away all of the ornamental grass cuttings.
Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, errands, visited w/family, Stations of the Cross, home to feed and snuggle w/"boys"...nice.

All in all just plain nice today.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, February 27, 2012

Here's Lookin' at U...

"See" ya later in the day.

Stay safe, healthy and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Later in the day:
Eye treated/done. Need to use drops 4 times/day for 2 weeks. Thinking this will do the trick. Yea!

Love, Mom

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quiet Day

Worked out in the yard a lot last week---pruning the ornamental grass(s)---Noticed they were greening up around the bottom. This is so early in the year to cut them down but if you allow them to green up a lot before trimming it will distort/prevent plumes formation. Have 2 trash cans of grass. (see above for one of the cans). Thought they would be less maintenance. Used an alligator chain saw, heavy duty clippers, etc. to cut them all down. Better get in shape----have 23 more plants on the way the first week of May. Really getting excited about the planting season. Already have some crocus up and blooming. Nice.

Mass this AM, fixing Peppered roast over rice for supper, snuggling w/the "boys", reading, playing Words w/Friends (on both Ipod and Kindle Fire), and getting excited about watching the Oscars on TV this evening.

Planning a quiet week. Daily Mass, Stations, volunteering, lots of Dogmingo snuggling, and chillin'.

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Kindled" Up, Ready to "Fire" and BD Fun

New BD toy received and greatly appreciated----what fun! Phone calls, cards, well wishes, Masses offered, meal(s) w/the family/friends are also greatly appreciated. Nice---thanks.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Catching Up w/Mary, Indoor Plants, and Ma

 Early BD gift and update on the indoor plants. Decided to defer plants in pots on the deck---too much maintenance (watering/cleanup). Have had my eye on this statue of Mary for some time. Sang "HB to me" all the way home from the greenhouse nursery. She is a perfect size on the deck arbor seat. The picture does not do her justice. Have really enjoyed these green plants on the window sill. They are filling in nicely since the last pic.

Days for Ma:
Mass this AM, volunteered at the rectory, lunch meeting/program, ran errands, and home to settle in for the evening.
Plan Mass tomorrow AM, Holy Hour, and MD appt. (eye checkup).
Mass, errands/housekeeping/laundry on Friday.

In between: Lots of Dogmingo playing/snuggling.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, February 3, 2012

Rainy Day

Thunder rolling, rain showers throughout the night----still raining---nice. Went to Mass at 7:30am. Plan a quiet day--possibly reading, maybe even an afternoon movie. Working on a volunteer Church project at home and will do it throughout the weekend.

The Almanac reading adventure has been  fun. Learning lots about things that no one else knows or cares about.  The "boys" are also really into it---am thinking it is only for the lap time involved in the reading about endlessly nothing. Come to think of it---we four are all about endlessly nothing---and we do it quite well.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spring Fever, Day Dreaming, Wondering...

Picked up 3 different style copies of the 2012 Farmer's Almanac and am getting a serious case of  dirt digging/soil turning fever. Day dreaming/thinking about ordering plants.....forcing bulbs, and playing golf. Remembering the forced bulbs (paperwhites, tulips, and daffodils) growing in a CO greenhouse and the excitement of golf season (which lasted throughout the year but was actually started on the golf course w/this warm/sunny time weather). 

Thoughts and Actions:

  • Forcing bulbs and indoor green thumb gardening could only be done in that CO greenhouse. 
  • "Golf is the perfect thing to do on Sunday because it makes you pray a lot." Farm. Alm. quote.
  • Ordered 23 native grasses from FL (not eBay) that should be delivered the first week of May.
Glad I have a large BLOG format because this one is all over the place today.  Just grab my coat tails and hold  on----must be that wonderful sunshine.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom