Friday, March 9, 2012

Do It, Do It, Redo it...

Washed bedding yesterday and Spence helped me re-wash his blankets today. Obviously, the "boy" ate something yesterday that was destined  to blow around 2:00am. Heard that sound that no one wants to wake up to ---the ole re-gurge noise. Grabbed the "boy" between heaves and ran/carrying him---(yes, ran/carring) out the back door. Lots going on---crazy women carrying one, and racing w/2 other dogs. Buster and Rowdy were confused, wanted no part of it but did run with us thinking we were off on early AM hunt. Changed bedding and was back in bed by 2:45am---sans night treat. Do not want to start a trend. Spence is back to his ole self today. We slept in until 5:45am.

Mass at 7:30am, washed bedding, attended a meeting, ran some errands...plan to go to Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm then home read, watch TV, and to bed early. Looking forward to having a good night's sleep.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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