Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pics to share

Just a sample of some of the back flower garden. It has exploded w/all the wonderful rain. Check out the second pic of the parsley---it is covered (7 or 8) swallow tail larvae---they are devouring the plant. I plant a couple of pots each year---just for these little fellows.

Mass this am, ran an errand, home to pick up, ride the stationary bike, and enjoy a wonderful day out of doors. Busy week ahead--"boys" to groomer, PT/MD appts., starting another 30 day monitor session, daily Mass, volunteering a rectory/school...

Have a great weekend. Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom


Kat said...

get yourself on a garden tour!

Just Ma said...

Wouldn't be fun---and too much work.