S/W Kurt. Linda's dad is stable, still in cardiac care unit and off the respirator. Kurt plans to be on the road also to take the kids to friends for a sleep over and then head to John Hopkins to be with Linda and her family.
Pop was on the road yesterday with a trip to golf course, McD's and then drove a scooter through grocery store for weekly shopping trip. Pop was also on the road last night----went to the hockey game with Kevin. He plans to be on the road again today to make the McD's meeting then home to watch the KS BB teams play on TV. (Glad I keep a calendar of his appointments to work in appointments around his road trips.)

Have to share a Kelli story. As most of you know Kelli had a green thumb and a beautiful greenhouse. She sent a pic of this plant last summer to see if I could identify it. Ironic, the plant is a forget-me-not.
Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we travel down this difficult road.
Love, Mom
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