Will make this simple---Pop is status quo---that is good!
MD appt tomorrow with Dr. Moore to obtain CT results, review lab work, discuss treatment plans, followed by chemo, and Epogen injection. (Getting this down to a science--we take a pillow, blanket, and pack a lunch for our all "day away.") Pop tolerates these sessions well. He reads, eats, snacks, snoozes. (I bring my MP3 player, a book, magazines, rosary, and try not to be intrusive.) Pop does better at all of this than I do---seems I have a motor inside of me that does not idle well.) Who would have thought we would have been spending our "days away" like this. It is a blessing to have Pop feeling better and worth every minute spent of our "day away" adventure.
I truly believe all of the thoughts and prayers sent Pop's way are better than any medicine. Thanks to all of you --- please continue to keep Pop in your good thoughts and prayers.
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