Dogs barking
outside, dark
outside, spot light indicates they are barking at nothing the human eye (mine) can see
outside, holler
outside for them, make more noise
outside with hollering then dogs are doing barking---Ever seen Poms run with tails stretched out?--that's how they looked zipping in the back door. Obviously they hate my hollering. Now, the patio screen door is closed blocking the dog door---I AM IN CONTROL. This reads kind of like a Dick and Jane story. Hear dogs bark, see Mom act out, see dogs look confused, see dogs run, see Mom back at her computer finishing this blog---see things return to "normal" (just for now). (The Thanksgiving drawing is getting near---be excited---I am!!)
The Adoration Chapel renovation is complete and will open this AM after the 8:00am Mass. It really turned out nice. Enjoyed the afternoon at the Lord's Pantry. There are possibly 10-12 volunteers, we put on our caps (bring my own Echo Bay logo hat), aprons, are given tasks, and complete the food prep in approx. 2 to 2 1/2 hours. It is a once a month commitment , mindless but rewarding to do something for someone else.
Mass this AM, Spencer to the Vet at 4:15pm today for leg limp checkup---still favoring it but not like it was. Plan to pick up some groceries, sweep, and dust the house. Hope your day moves fast, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.