Wanted to remind all of you a Mass is being said for Pop, Kelli, and Ken this AM at 8:00am at St Patrick Church. Plan to go to that Mass, volunteer at the rectory for several hours, pick up a few things at the store, make a throw together soup, and keep a low key day. Ate my last piece of pumpkin pie yesterday prior to going to the dentist. Might say I have had my fill of pie. Slept well last night---glad the broken tooth is out--can stop fretting about the dental appointments and get moving on. Still working on filing some paperwork---might even build a fire. It is a chilly 37 degrees, windy and feels (per weather report) like 27 degrees with the wind chill.

Things move so quickly--cannot believe Thanksgiving is over. Know I have said this before but truly enjoy having family together. If you were not here in person you were certainly here in thought---and if you only knew how my thoughts worked you would know we had fun.
(Thought I would include some pics--this was taken as we gathered while Kurt and Kathy placed the plaque and stepping stone)
Stay warm, healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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