Sunday, December 6, 2009

Keeping it Real

Weather report: 31 degrees, no snow--still have the snow blower handy---just waiting it out. Thinking of sedating Spencer on the weekends (just kidding). They (we) have been up since 5:15am, still dark outside---have read everything in site though still have the pile of magazines and paperwork still in the office and now as a real kick in the rear--guess who is snoozing in the living room? Surely not me--I have downed 2 strong cups of coffee, now working on a cup of herbal tea, blogging to you, and planning to go to Mass at 8:30am.

Did watch Michael wrestle, Jacob referee yesterday. Loved visiting w/Michael and Jake but really felt out of place without my buddy being there. Having to reinvent myself to find out what this new role entails. Working hard on readjusting to Pops' absence. Feels like part of me is missing---can feel his presence just can't see it. Think it is also the combination of the cold days and long dark nights. How much darkness and night does anyone need? Treated myself to a show yesterday afternoon---Blind Side. True story and very entertaining.

Remember when I mentioned having 1000+ pics of flowers? Sit back---it begins! Sweet autumn clematis vine and silver lace vine on the east fence. I also planted these by the arbor. Should be a nice touch come Spring.

Hope your week end is going well. Keep healthy, be safe, and stay in touch.
Love, Mom

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