Watching TV/reading in basement last night, heard the dog door rattle, dogs were off the chair, up the stairs like flashes of light, barking like animals, they ripped through the dog door on pursuit of our invader. By the time I got the spot light they were all in back yard by the fence and all that was left was the terrible odor of our visitor. Thanks be they were not sprayed. The smell was so strong. To all of you who think they are worthless, spoiled little creatures---think again---they are protectors and heroes. Think I will start putting the lock protector portion on the dog door when we are watching TV in the basement. (When I let them back out to do their nightly chore before bedtime the smell was still strong but only by the deck. No residual odor this AM. )
Have I told you---I love living here. Love the owls, foxes, deer, woodpeckers, rabbits, skunks...
Hope your day is a great one----just stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Ma. I dont think you like the rabbits. haha
pop a cap!
I do believe the skunk was after your apples, and the dogs were protecting their food. Just another look at the events.
By the way - Today is National Apple Day.
PS She does like rabbits. I knew it!
Becky: You are right---just trying to paint a pretty picture.
Kat: Not fast enough to do the cap thing and would not have wanted to be any closer to that spraying apparatus than I was.
Vicki: See comment to Becky re: rabbits. Make a note to myself--hurry and eat all apples as soon as able to eat apples again.
You are all too funny!!!!
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