Monday, May 31, 2010

Yard Day

Off to Mass--then work in the yard all day. Great day for it. Ground wet from yesterday afternoon/evening rain. Weeding, thinning, mulching...Sharing AM pics---flowers and still work to be done "project."

Have a great day staying healthy, safe, and keep in touch!

Love, Mom

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Balloon flowers, ornamental Millet, and Clematis. That's about all for today. Going to Mass and chillin'---just wanted to give you a touch of my world.
Take care of this long weekend. Love, Mom

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just Stuff

Really had a productive day yesterday. More trips to lumber yard. Project moved along nicely and on the way to being completed. Sat out on the patio/deck last night until dark w/fan blowing to keep the mosquitoes away, fed the "boys" their nightly apple, had a great phone chat w/Kat, and just chilled----Ask how one can do that when temp is still 85 degrees w/humidity of 70+. (Pic: Spent blossoms on the white Clematis vine---think they are almost as impressive as the blossoms. Wanted to capture them and also play more w/new camera before I cut them off.)
Today: Off to Mass this AM, plan to stop by the "Farmer's" outdoor Market to check out the flowers/produce, and back home to do what I do best--anything I want to do for the rest of the day!
Hope your 3 day holiday is restful. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Ma

Friday, May 28, 2010


Busy day yesterday! Mass in AM, ran errands, cleaned out rain gutters, took flower pics (before the afternoon rain shower), did some reading, nice afternoon nap w/"boys", phone call visits w/family, family stopped by to visit...thus real Nice day.

Today: Supposed to be hot (85 degrees/muggy), Mass this AM, laundry, sweep, carpenter here all day, help haul lumber to work area, and just busy myself like a bee----speaking of bees took some pics of them also---(Requires a DC to see the bee). The bees are thick on the perennial geraniums.
Have a great day. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


HB to you, HB to you, HB to you, you, you, you, you...That should take care of the summer BD's unless of course you want me to call all of you in person and sing to you. Whosever's birthday (that is the daily "keep in touch" feature) is today----You know who you are---Have a great one!!!
Off to Mass this AM, volunteer at the rectory, run some errands, laundry, work on a yard project (tearing out rubber edging by back faucet and replacing it with cement block edging), and might even take a nap this afternoon.

Have a great day, stay healthy, be safe and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
PS: Love the new camera---learning more about it each time I use it. What a bright yellow Gerbera Daisy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ode to a Lawn Mower

Lawn Mower started.
Lawn Mower mowed.
Lawn Mower stays for another day.
Lucky Lawn Mower...
Wait--wait---let me add something positive: A flower---Awwww!

Mowing and Moaning

Home from Mass. Going to venture into the garage and give it another go w/the lawn mower. Have looked into options if it does not start---Keith has agreed to come over and help me throw it through one of the windows, now have an empty trash can and it just may fit inside after I sledge it around several times, or possible consider getting it fixed since it is only 2+ years old. Should prove to be an interesting day. Possibly will be an addendum.

Hope your day is also interesting---keep healthy, safe and in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More flowers, butterflies...

Got a lot done yesterday (even watered all the flowers) BECAUSE IT RAINED ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!---Got pretty much what I set out to get done--except could not get the lawn mower started---Will try it again today after it quits raining. Think they refer to it as "fixin' to do it" in the South. If it doesn't start am thinking about "fixin' " to set it out for trash pick up tomorrow and go shopping. Cannot be without the tools of my trade and have no patience with a POS lawn mower. (Another pic of the Red Admiral butterfly on the Virginia Spire shrub)

Off to Mass (and pray that the Grouch that is living within me leaves), volunteer at rectory, and let the rest of the day just fall into place.

Hope your day goes well, stay healthy, be safe and keep in touch.

Love, Oscar---Oooops, I meant Mom

Monday, May 24, 2010

Butterflies and Flowers

Quiet day yesterday. (Went to Mass on Saturday evening.) Read the paper, coffee in AM w/Vicki and Joe, sat outside in the sun in PM, took some pics (Pic: Virginia Spire shrub in bloom, wonderful fragrance, and loaded w/blooms and butterflies), napped w/the "boys", watched TV...

Mass this AM, volunteer at rectory, run errands, mow the back yard, do some grass trimming/edging, work in the flower beds, and enjoy a warm sunny day w/the "boys".
Have a great day, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Taking a day away.
Enjoy your weekend, staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sweet sounds

Sun all day yesterday accompanied by the sweet sound of saws, sanders, drills, power tools---YES! That's what I'm talkin' about for a fine day. Went to Mass in AM, ran errands, did some laundry, pulled some weeds, mowed the yard, made calls, even filed a few things before turning in early last night. (Pic: Spider Wort-they are really beautiful this year---must like it wet)
Mass this AM, breakfast w/friend, and hoping to hear/see more power tools at work. Up since 5:45am. It is already 66 degrees, starting to turn light, birds are singing and the livin' is easy---think I just broke out into song because there is a promise for more sun today.
Enjoy your weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daisies and Dog

Thinking it may be a sunny day. Things are dry, 53 degrees, sky clear, no breeze---Nice! Plan to go to Mass, pick up the house and listen to the wonderful steady sound of saws, drill motors, and carpentry tools running throughout the day, and possibly mow if dry enough later today. (Pic: Daisies before rain and Spencer)

Went to Mass yesterday, ran errands, read, took a nice nap, and trimmed some flowers/plants that were laying over due to all of the recent rain.

Hoping your day goes well---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Same Song

Think we have been invaded by the sun thieves. Where have they taken our sunshine? I am working on getting downright grouchy about the cloudy, rainy days. Have to be more creative about things to do other than "boys", shopping, errands, filing, and being confined inside. I NEED FRESH AIR, SUNSHINE, TENDING TO FLOWERS/YARD... (A little Midas Touch Hosta pic for you).

Hope your day is sunny, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Surprise, surprise, woke up to rain, thunder and lightning! Will I ever be able to get outside and work in the flowers? Have to be real creative to abate the boredom of four walls. Thanks heavens for the "boys" antics. They are such great company.
Back from Mass, thinking of filing some paperwork, and thinking about not filing some paperwork---real conflict going on---Will I or won't I file?
Hope your day goes well, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dogs, Birds, Flowers, and Clouds

Cloudy, cool most of yesterday. Went to Mass, volunteered at the rectory, took "boys" to groomer, read, watched TV...Really a non productive day. "Boys" look great but were "draumatized" w/the trip---crying, shaking, etc. They slept most of the afternoon/evening.

The River Birch has "fruit/pods" on it and the orioles were flying all over the back yard yesterday. Think they were munching on the pods. So much bird chatter and yellow in the back yard. Tried to get a picture but too much barking and the birds flew away.

Foggy, cool (49 degrees) this AM. Plan to go to Mass, volunteer at the rectory, do some laundry, run some errands and get some yard work done after the fog burns off.

Hope your day goes well--stay healthy, be safe, and stay in touch. (Pics: last of the Columbine and the Forget-Me-Not---a must to double click)

Love, Mom

Monday, May 17, 2010

Off the Mark

Remember yesterday's rain--not yet comment? Spoke too soon or too loud--the clouds have ears or tears---whatever the case, they opened up in the AM. It was misty/rainy most of the day until evening time. Gave me some time to play w/my camera, readjusted/changed some settings in hopes of getting some better close up pics. (Do the double click pic dance to see rain droplets and closer details).
Hope your day is healthy, safe, and please keep in touch. Someone won yesterday's "guess who's BD?" contest and will be guest's here w/the BD boy on the first weekend in June. Yea!!!!
Love, Mom

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Things without rain

Shhhhhh---don't tell anybody but it is not raining today--yet. Of course it is still a little dark outside. Worked out in the yard (in the drizzling rain) yesterday afternoon/evening--trimming shrubs, thinning out some succulents, weeding...Another certifiable event in my life. Can you have cabin fever in the Spring/Summer? Planning on finishing my path on the East side of the house. Will go to Augusta and pick up more rocks to line the pathway. (Pic: this was the ivy I had all winter on my kitchen window sill--It is loving its new home out of doors.)

Off to Mass this AM, then to breakfast at the school for an 8th grade fund raiser. Think they are having biscuits, gravy, sausage pattie, and hash browns. This is beyond a doubt the best group of kids---will sacrifice and keep the Tums handy to support them. Will spend the rest of the day at home w/the pup posse.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. (Someone in our family has a BD today---guess who?) The winner gets free room and board at Ma's if they answer correctly---hurry--the guest room(s) are ready.

Love, Mom

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Better late than never

Cool, cloudy, light rain here today. Mass this AM, breakfast w/a friend, ran errands, took a wonderful nap w/the "boys", took some flower pics, and plan to spend the evening picking up the house and reading.

Enjoy this little oriental iris. The camera does not do it justice. The foiliage is great--It just refuses to separate, break, or bend to the ground with all the wind and rain storms. Love its tenacity. (Double click if you want to see the water droplets.)

Hope your weekend is great. Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, May 14, 2010

Technically Inept

Should refrain from using anything technical for the rest of the week---just tasks--and try to remember I am trainable--not educatable (sp). Had a few technical glitches yesterday that appear to be spilling over into today. Make note to self---keep it simple! The beauty of it all---no cussing, moved on, figured it out on my own but sure wasted a lot of my valuable time.

Now for today---off to Mass, volunteer at the rectory most of day, and then home to work in the yard w/the pup (3 plus me) posse.
For your today--stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just Rain

Know the rain brings May flowers but come on----enough already w/all the accompanying storms, winds, lightning, thunder, hail and tornado sirens. Just rain, please.

Cool this AM (47 degrees), no breeze, overcast, still puddles from last nights storm... Off to Mass, volunteer at the rectory, sweep, dust, pick up the house (too wet to work in the flower garden) and read this afternoon. That's my day...

Hope your day is one of good health, being safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time Off

Taking a day off.

Catch up on "stuff" tomorrow.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Rainy Day

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory most of the day---weather cold, overcast, more rain, wah, wah, wah.

That pretty much says it for me---now you know why Church is the best place for me today. As for you, keep it healthy, safe, and in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, May 10, 2010

Rain and Flowers

Nice AM, cool (50 degrees), rain coming down softly, no wind...

Plan to go to Mass, volunteer at rectory most of day, run some errands...

You plan to stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch...

Love, Mom

(Pic: White Clematis is really beautiful this year)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day Off

Chillin' on Mother's Day.

Back tomorrow--stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, May 8, 2010

More Flowers, more Plants, more Sun

Today is another planning/planting day. Back from Mass, ate breakfast w/friend, sun shining, very slight breeze and all is well. Took some flower pics this AM and wanted to share more of that previously featured Columbine. The plant is still loaded w/blooms. (Please treat yourself to a double click---it is well worth the up close view. )

Plants are still popping through the soil and see something new every day. You know what is ahead for you---more pics. There is always an open invitation to come see them in person---my calendar is empty, guest rooms ready, and also the "boys" would love to have some company. Think about it!

Enjoy your weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch---better yet come visit!

Love, Mom

Friday, May 7, 2010


PLANT. Have plants, will plant, love to plant----plant, plant, plant all those herbs and flowers. Planning on planting, planting, planting until I get them all planted, planted, planted...

Went to Mass this AM, volunteered this AM, more volunteering this PM then---planting this evening and/or tomorrow. Sunny day but cool and reeeeaaaal windy.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 6, 2010


(Pic of Smoke tree buds.)
Back from Mass. Sun up, cool, slight breeze, and forecast to be in 80's today----Yea!!! Planted a few more plants yesterday and have more to put in containers today. Try to get as many of my plants/herbs from the small neighborhood greenhouse.

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just when you think all is well...WOW

S/W B. last night. Pic of the yesterday's fires in Conifer, CO.(compliments of Denver Post)---and I thought my yesterday was the pits. B. and Jax are okay. The area was evacuated until evening when the fires were under control. The fire crew stayed in the neighborhood all night to make sure the fires were out. The fire was down the road, around the bend, and connected to the forest area behind the house. Way too close for comfort.

Okay, new day--shaking off guilt and silliness of last week. Really a lot of shaking going on. Back to a 3 dog and silly Ma crew. What a trip!

Please stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Okay---remember seeing blog responses saying--"NOOOOOOO" when I mentioned adopting another dog. I have realized that 4 dogs are too much for me. They all get along great, Fonzie is a delight, 1 to 2 years old, lots of energy, and really sweet. Remember Pop was here to share the "fun" of the initiation of the other 3 "boys." Kind of in a state of funk to give him back to PALS. They will pick him up this evening. I also feel like a silly old fool doing something so impulsive. Be good to your silly Mom---she is a sad girl---silly but sad.

Keep healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, May 3, 2010

Flower, Dogs, and Ma

Took this Clematis pic yesterday evening. Can never capture the true beauty of the color---it is a deep purple.

Can one have too many dogs? All are adjusting well, went through adjustment period with all, expecting it to go well. Fonzie is still wired and all over the place. He will learn the routine from the others----Gee---Do we have a routine? The ones who have been here know the story.

Off to Mass, then back to do laundry, pick up the house, and work in the yard. Keep your day healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, May 2, 2010

We are now 4 dogs and Mom

Fonzie arrived (even the deer came to welcome him)---all is well---everyone getting along great----maybe a few long faces---and some vying for the "closest" spot to the old lady in the shoe. THEY ALL ATE THEIR SUPPER IN RECORD TIME!!!!!!
(Double click on the deer---I was close enough--the flash reflected in its eyes---this is what I see at night when I put the spot light out toward the field at night---Neat--Huh?!)
Love, Mom

Oh, Happy Dogs (or is it Days?)

Fonzie is coming today. Time for flower pics.

Went to Mass last evening, mowed the lawn, went to Braum's for a super sundae, did some grocery shopping, and called it a day. Beautiful morning, sunny, no wind, sky clear...
Have a great day--stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Shopping, Shoes, and Dogs

Spencer is asking---"Where is my new brother?" Buster apprears to be looking for his arrival. Should hear something today about getting Fonzie. His foster mom has been out of town and paperwork needs to be processed.

Overcast, cooler, no wind, and off to a great start---Went to Mass, breakfast w/a friend, stopped by a shoe store and am now the proud and frivolous owner of 2 more pairs of shoes. Told myself-"Self, you can't have too many shoes or dogs." That would be my thought for the day except to say----

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom