Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

Volunteered at rectory most of yesterday---stripping wallpaper and helping get ready to paint the walls of hallway and office. Nice group of people working together. Had supper w/friend, watched some TV in the evening, read, loved on the "boys" and was in bed by 10:30pm. (Astilbe and Hosta's to start your day---compliments of the shade garden).
Off to Mass this AM and back to tearing off more wallpaper at the rectory. Will pray the wallpaper tearing fairy (Is there such a thing???) came in during the night and finished the room I was assigned to. We'll see.
Again, be in touch---June birthday's are filling the calendar---Expect singing---lots of singing---It's what I do---sing, sing, sing....can't dance just sing----come to think of it---can't sing either---so back to the wallpaper tearing.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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