Spent a lazy day yesterday, took AM pics
(sweet pea vine, Hawthorne seedling, Jacobs Ladder, Fern, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Hostas, Yew, rocks, and bags of mulch), went to Mass, picked up some items at the grocery store, worked a little in the flowers, nice visit and great supper w/Keith's family (Taylor was working--missed ya Bud), visited w/family on the phone, read, played w/the "boys", and went to bed...Want all of you to be aware of my infatuation for this trivial life style I celebrate. Never realized it would work to just let it roll and not constantly have each second planned. Kind of liking this groove.
That being said, off to Mass this AM, volunteer at the rectory, stop by the greenhouse, mow/edge the lawn, spread out the above mulch, and "chill" out this PM--supposed to be in the 90's today.
Put on your list to stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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