Thursday, June 24, 2010


Worked out in the yard until 9:00pm last night. Now have a dappled willow that is 2 feet shorter and can now see nicely over the rail of the front porch. No more kale in the pots---pulled all of them up and replaced them w/different kinds of sun coleus. Plants are on sale all over the city--gotta have em---gotta have em! Gotta stop--gotta stop!!!

Back from Mass---cooler this AM, planting, weeding, mowing, watering and possibly a movie, reading, nap later today. Oh, Gee----to try to fit in all this stuff in a day/week is a real challenge.

Stay healthy, safe and keep in touch. Family headed in all directions. Keep them all in your thoughts/prayers for good times, safe trips and happy returns home.

Love, Mom

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