Friday, July 9, 2010

Flowers and Fun

Treating you to: Remnants of what is left of the morning glories on the back fence (seems the deer are also attracted to them), Lily, and Sweet peas. Still thinning out, weeding, and watching the flower garden change. This is the time of year the heat loving plants show their stuff especially the Lantana, Coleus, Marigolds, Snapdragons, etc. Changes daily.

Mass, mowing, and more of the stuff I do ahead of me for the day. Looking forward to Music Theater tomorrow, "Crazy for You" w/lots of wonderful Gershwin music. Really have enjoyed my season tickets. Last time, had to park/walk almost 1/2mile away from Century II---there was another event also going on in the area. Make a note to self---be sure to wear comfy shoes.
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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