Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summertime and the livin' is...

Cooler day yesterday---think it had to do w/the humidity. Worked out in the yard last night, trimming, thinning, spreading more mulch, and lots of sweat and toil to get it all done before dark. Stuck a fork in it around 9:45pm, showered and to bed. (Lily pic worth a double click for detail. Have been so happy w/lilies and plan to have more next year along w/ornamental grasses)
Looks like another "cool" day today--88 degrees expected as high temp. Have the fan going on the back deck during the day. Real comfy to sit, read, drink tea, and watch the birds with the "boys."
Plan Mass this AM, more work expected on backyard project, more reading, more tea drinking, and more mulching. Should have the mulch project completed by this evening. Families still traveling, ask all to pray for their safety and good times together. As always, for everyone--stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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