Forty-one degrees, no wind, still dark, and expecting a sunny day. Did some trimming of plants, shrubs, and vines yesterday. Could do it all w/o bending, twisting---just a little straining. Do NOT call it gardening but am aware I am "out of shape." Also, took some pics of Crocus plant w/bee busy at work while Robins and Cardinals provided my favorite outdoor music.

Mass this AM, then home to enjoy more sunshine, visit w/family, and just ad lib the rest of the day. (Did I tell you lately that I am improving (great) each day and will find it very difficult to restrain from activities? Have some Spring organizing projects that will not require lifting, bending, stretching, torqueing, etc. Have been through too much to mess it up over doing.) Terry will be leaving in the AM. Would not have recovered so well w/o her help----thanks Terry!!!!
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love. Mom
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