Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Go

Yesterday I felt like "Where's Waldo and what's he on?" I was here, there, and everywhere beginning w/Mass, volunteering short while at rectory, home to eat breakfast, then off to run errands (bank, grocery store, neighborhood nursery, etc.),  went by see Vicki and Joe's great new stove, picked up an ordered item, stopped back by the rectory, came home, pulled some weeds from the East pathway (squatting/kneeling/keeping back straight), emptied all the wood blocks out of my garden cart into the trash bin (all weighing less than 25 lbs per trip), visited w/family on the phone, did 2 loads of laundry, swept the tile floors/spot mopped, watched DWTS, and called it a day/night about 11:00pm.

Today  Off to Mass this AM, volunteer at rectory, then home to putz some more. Still another chilly, cloudy day in the forecast. Thinking of doing some minor shrub/ornamental grass pruning/cutting. I am still doing well, feel better each day and glad I had my back "fixed."   Making a list of "To Do" things for the end of April when I am officially released to begin gardening.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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