Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Limbs, Lights and Lotta Ma

Tree limbs down and done...moon danced to get out of the way of the falling branches, back fence is no longer in harm's way of falling dead limbs plus the view is better. Worked outside all day, trimmed Dappled Willow, planted all of the Gazania, dug up 2 stressed/dying small Crepe Myrtle trees, watered all of the potted plants, moved some rocks (one at a time)...

Sharing some pics of my outdoor night lights. Not really a light source---just adds night time magic to the flower garden. 

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, then home to have another "play" day in the sunshine.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom


Kat said...

love them!
where'd you get them again?

Just Ma said...

Thanks. Got them at Tuesday Morning. Late in checking comments---sorry.