Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Smart and Elusive Mole

The mole will go. Tedious due to the fact the little devil has invaded my flower garden and I do not want to dig up/disturb the plants/flowers. Just a matter of time and I do have the time to continue the pursuit.

(More of the Eggplant Blooms)
Went to Mass yesterday morning, then home to do a days worth of yard work. Rejuvenated (extreme pruning) of Red Tip Fotinia(s) in front, stuffed 2 trash cans full of dead/winter damaged branches. They have this summer to come out of it or they will be coming out of the ground and replaced. Did the same (rejuvenated) to the Nine Bark last year year and it is coming along nicely--hopefully, the Fotinia will also catch on. The Fotinia by the east pathway also looks real ragged and will follow suit w/it next trash day. Weeded the east  pathway, flower beds than mowed/trimmed  front and back yard---finished up in time for a nights worth of rain. Talk about timing---nice. The Dogmingos also enjoyed the outside day.

Off to Mass this morning then volunteer most of the day at the rectory. Patio door/windows and kitchen windows open. Nice cool morning, still raining, birds singing, too wet to chase moles, "boys" are tired from all of yesterday's activities. They've had breakfast and are chillin'. Their feeding routine change has really made life easier and improved their(s)/my quality of life (also, less barking from all of us.)---Thanks Terry!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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