Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Catching Up

What a wonderful weekend! Out of town family arrived safely----great visit----so much fun catching up. A real treat to see them after all these years! Life is good!!!

Putzed most of yesterday----went to the nursery and picked up a couple of Jackmannii Clematis to place behind a half circle metal  trellis in the front of the house, centered (hopefully) by the brick, in between the windows. (Am now minus the nine bark in front and the red tip to the east---thanks to my trusty spade , lots of diggiing, dragging, pitching/tossing stumps in to the trash cart---will probably have to refer my trash collector to the back surgeon by end of stump/shrub removal season.) Note pic: This is what I am hoping the clematis will look like in a couple of years.

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory/school this AM, then run an errand w/Allie later this afternoon...
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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