Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tree Roots--No!!!!!

(Kat---if you can find this guy send him down---I have some tree work for him to do)

Dug, trenched, hacked, and poisoned tree roots (all weekend) that were entering my yard (from the neighbors's yard) thanks to a tree that had been cut down over a year ago. The trunk had been grinded out but not killed and chips were never removed----therefore it lives (or hopefully, lived). Sending off live roots as big around as my thigh. Project still in the works---you can lift up the loose Bermuda and see the net work of "rootlings" attached and coming from the chips. Just want to keep my sprinkler system and house foundation intact.

Lots of laundry done following above project---Ironic, had allergy testing done yesterday and found one of the things I am allergic to is trees----among other things. Go figure! "Boys" are safe----no allergies to dogs.

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory/school then home to do more tree/root/destruction work.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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