This is Vicki, guest blogging for the Ashpole Family.
We are greiving the loss of Kelli, the youngest of our family. Kelli died early this morning of a massive heart attack. Bruce, her husband did an extrodinary effort to get her some help, but it happened so quickly. Our hearts go out to all of you who will be hearing the news as you read this blog. We ask that you keep us all in your hearts and prayers as we deal with the loss.
We will not be blogging for a few days, but if any important news about Dad arises, we will let you know on this blog. As for now assestments and appointments are the main plan.
I met Kelli in 1999, when both of us worked at The Integer Group. We hit it off immediately (I think because I was from Long Island and so was Bruce ). She started calling me ‘JanJan’ and it stuck until Bruce thought Janican was a better fit. Kelli always had that devious little laugh - hehehe. I’ll miss that laugh.I’ll miss the potstickers she made for me because she knew how much I liked them. I’ll miss how she always made me feel so special when I visited her. The spare room was my room I remember how she cried with me when I lost my Yogibear. She could relate because she loved Saki and Murphy the same way. I’ll always remember the fabulous geranium in her bathroom that she ‘rescued’ from the trash and it showed its appreciation by exploding out of the tiny pot it was planted in. I’ll miss the postcards from her and Bruce’s travels - Italy, Costa Rica, Holland. I’ll miss the bar-b-ques at her house (even though it seemed that every time I was invited it rained ). I’ll miss her funny, unique emails.
I’ll miss her friendship.
Kelli, until we meet again save me a brownie and margarita.
Jan----thanks so much for your tribute and sharing. Kelli treasured her friends and considered you a dear friend.
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