Saturday, February 28, 2009
Watching TV, Bonding w/the pups, and going out for Lab work
Lab work good--platelets down but Hgb better. Just go from minute to minute. He still has a good appetite, spends time in the recliner with the (barking, barking, barking...) pup posse, watching BB on TV, and enjoys being home.
Have such comfort--knowing that we have such a wonderful supportive family and great friends who continue to keep Pop in their thouhgts and prayers. Thank you!
Love, Mom
Friday, February 27, 2009
Pop's Home

Lindsay (on the right) made it in from NJ for a short visit. We made a Sonic run---missed Lauren going with us. Terry and I set up a mini clinic at the house--complete with hospital bed, wheel chair, oxygen set ups, chest drainage kits, and nebulizer kits for breathing treatments. Have said it before---old nurses never retire. Love having Pop at home where he can rest and visit with family and friends.
Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Mom
Thursday, February 26, 2009
White Count Still Up -- Fore!

Mom called to give me the morning report . . . Pop finished the last of 5 chemo treatments yesterday. And his buddies from the golf course came to visit. His white count was still up, so it was a good time for visitors. (A lowered white count usually follows chemo treatments, and a lowered white count means he'll be very vulnerable to viruses, bugs and germs.) More chairs were brought into the room to seat the golf gang, and pop was out of bed and in a chair too for quite a while during the day.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Hump Day

Halfway through the week, and hopefully pop will be home by week's end. Today 400cc's were drained from chest tube and he's running a slight fever which isn't that unusual when getting chemo. Pop has made the decision to keep fighting and receiving chemo treatments instead of going into hospice.
- Some Potatoes--any kind, just as long as they're potatoes
- Recycled Shortening--the more it's been used, the better it is, add bacon grease and it gets even better
- Salt and Pepper--to taste
- Peel and slice potatoes, the thinner the slices the better. Heat shortening in cast iron skillet on ma's freshly cleaned stovetop.
- Add potatoes to hot shortening, they should sizzle and splatter.
- Leave them be until the bottom gets crispy, then turn over.
- It's okay if grease splatters and drips, ma will clean it up.
- Use a spatula to continually splash grease from side of pan over top of potatoes, if any grease goes over side of skillet, refer to #4 above.
- Stand over pan and pull a crispy potato flake out of hot grease, shake flake next to stovetop to get off hot grease (refer to #4 above) and taste to see if they need salt and pepper.
- When potatoes are brown on each side, remove from pan with spatula and place on paper towel covered plate to drain.
- Pour hot grease back in Crisco can so it can be used again, if grease spills down side of can, once again, refer to #4 above.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Championship Season

I've asked mom to tell me more of the Wresting Medal story. She sent me the article that ran in the Ark Valley News in 2003 and it's a great story, so I've copied/abridged it below. Mom said that after Jake was declared the winner, pop was immediately on the mat with Jake. Security could not have kept him away from his grandson.
The Ashpole name is well-known to many Valley Center wrestlers, but the family's interest extends beyond casual involvement in a club or school sport. For the Ashpoles, wrestling is part of the family history.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, Monday

A new week, and a change of staff--Kurt and Linda are heading back to Virginia today, and Terry's going to take over the night shift at the hospital.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Tired Blue Band and a Championship Medal

Linda shared this photo of Kurt, napping at pop's bedside. In addition to spending his nights at the hospital, Kurt's been spending quality cat-nap time with pop--napping together while watching ESPN can be very bonding. And he is wearing a blue wristband, even though it isn't visible in this photo.
Additional Sightings

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Following the Plan

Pop's still in the hospital, but hopes to be back at home with his 3 "fur boys" and family on Monday. Linda and Kurt have come in town from Virginia and Kurt's spending quality time with pop at the hospital during the night. Terry is driving in this morning from Texas.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Blue Wrist Support

They've been sighted in California and Wichita, and rumors are circulating of sightings in New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota and Alaska--bright blue wristbands inscribed "For Sonny Days".
Update on Pop
Scheduled for 3 units of blood today (Hgb 6.0).
Will start a new chemo protocol today and for the next several days.
Pop is breathing easier, resting and eating well and eager to get on with the new chemo plan.
Please continue to keep the prayers and good thoughts coming Pop's way. Miracles happen that medicine cannot explain. Thanks to Father Jerome for making a special visit today.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Good Update
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Surgery for Dad

Dad was taken into surgery this morning to have a tube inserted into his chest. This should drain the fluid around his lungs and help him breath easier.
Kurt will be arriving today and will spend the night with Dad.
This pic is Jason (grandson), Lisa (wife), and great-grandaughter Hayli. They are wearing their "For Sonny Days" bracelets.
We know Dad is in the hearts and prayers of so many people. Our family and Dad are so grateful and humbled by the outpouring. Please continue sending them out for Dad.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sliding Through the Tests

This is Vicki guest blogging today.
A full day of tests are scheduled for Dad. He will have a colonoscopy this afternoon. His Hgb is 7.0 so he will also get 2 units of packed red blood cells. A Thoracic Surgeon will be added to the agenda to see if he can help with the shortness of breath .
Kurt is traveling in from VA for a visit and will attend a couple of the meetings at Mickey D's.
This pic is of Phia (great grandchild) sledding in her infant bathtub. How resouceful!
Please join us in prayer for the test results to be completed and the treatment to go forward to help get Dad comfortable.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
On a Wing and a Prayer
Monday, February 16, 2009
Pop's Agenda
Pop is off to MD office/hospital for lab, Epogen injection, possibly a Zometa infusion, make chemo plans, maybe some radiation, and throw in a transfusion ot two before the day is over. Lots of stuff to put in a day's time--- We need a 36 clock for today.
Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Blog day off
We wish a restful day to you and ask that you continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pop's Progress
Friday, February 13, 2009
Pop's Progress
Pop is changing chemo treatment and also going to have additional radiation. It has finally been determined that the primary site is the lung. Pop will continue with next week's appts (eye exam and colonoscopy) and then begin new chemo schedule on 02/23/2009.
Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Don't know about others but I am eagerly awaiting spring---Bring it on Friday!!!! Seriously, I do have tulips popping out of the ground and hopefully will see hyacinth and crocus soon. Really need more sunshine, clear skies, and the distraction of working in the flower beds and watching things grow.
Found some more Kelli pics: Speaking of watching things grow. This girl had a green thumb---take a look at all of the plants on the greenhouse shelf. Growing season in CO is much different than KS. Things grow later but such beautiful specimens. The covered container in the lower right contained herb seedlings that she actually snipped and used in food preparation. The greenhouse this January was full of cacti---more varieties than you could imagine and the pots were amazing.

Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Mom
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Monday, February 9, 2009
Busy weekend for Pop

Hockey 2 nights, worked little less than an hour as starter at golf course on Saturday, and well deserved rest on Sunday. Maybe too much as back is acting up more this AM.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Friday, February 6, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Weather report: It is currently 50 degrees, sun shining, slightly windy and a beautiful day. Know Pop plans a road trip to the golf course and McD meeting. Think the sunny warm days will pick him up a bit. Pop gets real quiet at times----too much think time inside the house doing nothing---not good for Pop. Know the loss of Kelli is also weighing sadly upon and within him as with all of us.
Please continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Mom
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Update of the Update
Ashpole Family Update

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ashpole Family Update

Monday, February 2, 2009
Platelets Low---Chemo No.

Pop only has lab and CT ordered next week. Requested also doing cervical (neck) and shoulder CT next week. Let's hear it for Ms. Nuisance or can we huh, can we huh, huh, huh???? Both were added to next weeks order.
Take care of yourselves today.
Ashpole Family Update

Speaking of birthdays--another pic of Kelli watching "home movies" at Bruce's 50th birthday celebration. That was a great day for her---she loved entertaining and was in her element. (Click to enlarge pic).