Pop's still in the hospital, but hopes to be back at home with his 3 "fur boys" and family on Monday. Linda and Kurt have come in town from Virginia and Kurt's spending quality time with pop at the hospital during the night. Terry is driving in this morning from Texas.
Pop had his first round of the new chemo plan yesterday, and will get one treatment a day for a total of 5 rounds. Then a whole month off chemo until the next 5-day-round.
He had 175cc's of fluid drained from his chest yesterday, and another 175cc's this morning. Is breathing much better and ate a good breakfast, then had Kurt go find him a donut--Saturday mornings in the Ashpole world calls for donuts. Mom said Kurt came back with a donut twist the size of two russet potatoes and pop ate the whole thing.
Keep those good thoughts and prayers heading pop's way. They are felt and appreciated.
Kat or Vicki or Julie,
my blog had been set to follow yours annonomously......I got that fixed; now u should be able to go to my blog for the blue bracelet picture.
As always, your in my thoughts & prayers. Tonya Moore
Just catching up on reading the Blog---Thanks Tonya.
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